+ 7
+ 11

Gasthof Perfler und Ferienwohnung Dolomitenheim

Friendly family business. Good, plain cooking, Tyrolean specialities. Lounge and dining room, ideal for coach groups, too. Large sunny terrace. 1 appartment sleeps 10.

Additional information


Einbettzimmer, Doppelbettzimmer und Dreibettzimmer mit WC, Dusche und TV-SAT. Teilweise mit Balkon. Nebenan Ferienwohnung für 4-7 Pers.(Preis/Nacht/4 Pers.:Sommer €55.00(+€9.00/Pers.),Winter: € 60.00 (+€9.00/Persone).





🜉 WiFi
🐈 car parking lot
🍺 family friendly
🌆 restaurant


Independent ratings from the other sources. TrustYou collects these ratings and calculates an average of the rating results.

Inquiry without obligation

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Phone (for further questions)


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Gasthaus Perfler KG
Außervillgraten 143
9931 Außervillgraten


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