Weather in Matrei in Osttirol


On Monday you can enjoy sunny weather at times and the sun even shines a little more often, especially in the morning. As a result, some cumulus clouds will develop again over the mountains and individual rain showers or even thunderstorms are likely from the afternoon onwards. The temperatures hardly change compared to the previous days.

Matrei in Osttirol
forecast for Monday, 20.05.2024
9°C / 22°C
precipitation: 25 %
Wind: light/moderate breez
20°C / 21°C
precipitation: 25 %
Wind: calm
forecast for Tuesday, 21.05.2024
13°C / 16°C
precipitation: 50 %
Wind: calm
forecast for Wednesday, 22.05.2024
9°C / 17°C
precipitation: 55 %

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