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Schober trek

The most important at a glance

33 km
altitude meters uphill
3200 m
total walking time
30 h
highest point
3300 m

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public transport:

Donnerstags und sonntags mit dem Wanderbus bis zum Parkplatz Seichenbrunn.


Parkplatz Seichenbrunn

starting point:
destination point:
best season:

altitude profile

Pdf file

Gpx file

Interactive map

Current weather conditions


0°C/32°F °C


This alpine trek takes you to the most beautiful viewpoints of the Debant valley and gives you the opportunity to climb three mountain peaks to the rugged landscape of Schober group. The dark blue sky, the crystal clear water of the mountain streams and lakes and the relaxing evenings at the huts - this will make your holidays spent in the mountains an extraordinary experience.

Stage 1:

The first stage starts at Seichenbrunn car park. From there we will go to Wangenitzsee hut and from here the hikers will be able to tackle the Petzeck (3,283 m) after some refreshments. After overcoming the summit, we will go back to Wangenitzsee hut where we will be able to recover and relax for the next day.

Overnight accommodation: Wangenitzseehütte

Stage 2:

After a relaxed breakfast at Wangenitzsee hut, the journey leads us to the next impressive mountain peak, the Perschitzkopf (3,128 m). If you take Noßberger Weg, you will reach Lienz hut where a pleasant dinner awaits after the first two stressful days. You can also take Zinkenweg which will take you directly to Lienz hut.

Overnight accommodation: Lienzerhütte

Stage 3:

You can hike from Lienz hut along Franz Keil Weg to what is known as the Gartl. From there, you will have the opportunity to tackle the Debantgrat (3,058 m), a mountain directly next to the eponymous mountain of Schober Group. The journey takes you from Debantgrad past Gartlsee lake and across Gartltörl to Hochschober hut, the last stop of the third stage.

Overnight accommodation: Hochschoberhütte

Stage 4:

On the last day, you will go on a simple journey from Hochschober hut to Mirnitzschneide and from here you will return to Lienz hut in Debant valley where you will have the opportunity to conclude your trekking tour before returning to where you started, the Seichenbrunn car park.


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