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Sunny village close to Lienz

The sunny villages of Gaimberg, Oberlienz and Thurn around the bottom of the Lienz valley are not without reason an ideal destination for guests who love the sun and quality of life amidst an impressive mountain scenery. All three sunny villages provide a fantastic view onto the mountains of the Lienz Dolomites. The small town of Lienz at the foot of the Dolomites with its Mediterranean atmosphere is located in direct proximity to all three villages and the range of recreational opportunities in this region seems endless. Here locals and guests can enjoy the fine life to the fullest.


One of these special municipalities is Oberlienz, which spreads mostly on the Schleinitzschuttkegel. Oberlienz is nestled in the sunny slopes on the western edge of the Lienz Basin. If you look from Lienz towards the sunny village, the Schleinitz with the Schober Group towers majestically in the background. 

Oberlienz is composed of the districts of Oberlienz and Oberdrum, as well as the town of Glanz. Here at the entrance to the Iseltal Valley, all three unite to a place full of diverse culture, unique nature and hospitableness in Osttirol. The terraced natural and cultural landscape of Oberlienz with its Feldgräfelmauern is an element that clearly characterises the townscape.


As its title “sunny village” may already tell, Oberlienz can also be explored by walking and hiking the so-called sun paths through colourful flower meadows and along varied paths. With the Hochstein, a popular leisure and excursion destination is in close proximity to the municipality. In Oberlienz, the idyllic Isel bays with their wild nature along the raging waters of the glacial river are highly popular. Worth a visit all year are the Oberlienzer open-air museum and a quiet hike to the Helenenkirche church. Once there, a wonderful view of the bizarre mountain formations of the Lienz Dolomites opens up below the highest lime tree in Tyrol. The unique landscape photos that are regularly taken here are almost kitsch.


But it is of secondary importance what recreational activity you choose in Oberlienz because they all share a crucial element - the gorgeous natural scenery that makes Oberlienz this special place in between secluded idyll and multi-faceted city life.

The next events in Oberlienz

There are no current events

Accommodations in Oberlienz

Weather in Oberlienz


A shallow low-pressure system is dominating our weather, causing unsettled conditions. The existing clouds will clear up occasionally, especially in the morning, and the sun will also peek through. However, it will often be more densely overcast, with thicker cumulus clouds forming. This also means a few rain showers are expected. Temperatures will be quite pleasant during the day.

forecast for Tuesday, 25.03.2025
min. 3°C / max. 15°C
precipitation: 45 %
Wind: calm
Wind: calm
Wind: calm
Wind: calm
forecast for Wednesday, 26.03.2025
min. 3°C / max. 16°C
precipitation: 40 %
Wind: calm
Wind: light/moderate breez
Wind: calm
Wind: calm
forecast for Thursday, 27.03.2025
min. 4°C / max. 16°C
precipitation: 25 %
forecast for Friday, 28.03.2025
min. 0°C / max. 17°C
precipitation: 30 %

Contact and inquiries

Tourist information Lienzer Dolomiten
Mühlgasse 11
9900 Lienz
F. +43 50 212 400 2

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