From Lienz to the car park, at Hochsteinbahn valley station, take the Schlossbergbahn to the Moosalm and from there proceed via the Russenweg (signposted path) up to Hochsteinhütte.
Hochstein Hütte, managed by the Lienz section of the Austrian Alpine Club, is an ideal and very popular refreshment stop for ski tourers, skiers and hikers and provides a superb view to the Schober group, the Kreuzeck group, the Lienz Dolomites and the Lienz valley floor.
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Mit dem Bus bis zur Bushaltestelle "Lienz Hochstein/Schloss Bruck" und dann mit der Seilbahn bis zur Moosalm.
Parkplatz Schlossbergbahn Talstation
Parking spot
Car park Klammbrückl
5°C/41°F °C