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Herz-Ass Villgratental

The route to 50 impressive summits around Villgratental

The most important at a glance

76 km
altitude meters uphill
5750 m
walking time uphill
34 h
total walking time
34 h
highest point
2698 m

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public transport:

Mit den Bus bis zur Haltestelle "Außervillgraten Abzw. Winkeltal"


Parkplatz im Zentrum

starting point:
Dorfzentrum Außervillgraten
destination point:
Dorfzentrum Außervillgraten
best season:
route typ:

altitude profile

Pdf file

Gpx file

Interactive map

Current weather conditions


11°C/52°F °C


The route to 50 impressive summits around Villgratental is now signposted. Creating a heart,

the 50 impressive summits have lovingly connected the secluded Villgratental since time immemorial.

This can only really be seen from a bird’s eye view. So nobody gets lost, the legendary 6-

Day route, which has up to now been regarded as an insider tip among local people, is now signposted throughout.

For ‘all and sundry’, so to speak. That’s what East Tirol people say about the easy variant, which saves you having to do a few summits and in the evenings always leads you to a comfortable overnight stay option in the valley. The hard tour which has 5500 metres altitude alone to tackle in the climb,

covers some 100 kilometres, and has two Alpine inns and three nights in a bivy still remains the territory of the map-readers among you.

The Villgrater mountains connect the two mountaineering villages of Außer- and Innervillgraten in one big heart shape.

Although it has always been there, the Villgrater people only discovered their ‘heart in the 1980s. ‘The route was first tackled then – many people celebrated and did this ridge hike together’, recalls Ossi Fürhapter from the local tourist office. ‘And we are now proud of the fact that we can now invite our guests to enjoy this very special experience.’ Let the uniqueness of the secluded Villgratental take effect on you, one which will last for a long time to come.

Meet like-minded people who are conquering the summit too. On the recently set-up Herz-Ass hiking trail

You get to experience the unique natural surroundings and cultural landscape of Villgratental.

Herz-Ass-Villgraten hiking circuit:

Day 1: Alpine trail: Außervillgraten to Reiterstube

Around 6 hours walking time – easy hike

Day 2: To Herrgottslärche: Reiterstube to Volkzeiner Hütte

Around 7 hours walking time – moderately difficult hike

Day 3: Spring and water trail: Volkzeiner Hütte to Unterstalleralm

Around 6 hours walking time – moderately difficult hike

Day 4: Via the Jöcher: Unterstalleralm to Kalkstein

Around 6 hours walking time – moderately difficult hike

Day 5: Border area hike: Kalkstein to Innervillgraten

Around 7 hours walking time – moderately difficult hike

Day 6: Thurntaler Urban route: Innervillgraten to Außervillgraten

Around 6 hours walking time – moderately difficult hike


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