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Old farmhouse dating back to 1719 with 9 double rooms, 4 selfcontained apartments. Since 2006 new: Gaberschupfer - built in the old Villgraten style with solid wood interiors and furniture made from old wood; the insulation in sheep´s wool. 9 double romms and 2 apartments. All rooms habe en-suite facilities and balcony. We have our own pig breeding, bakery, wine celler with solely Ausrian wines. Restaurant with 2 Gault Milau toques, further awards from Á la carte and Falstaff. Only regional produce used. Traditional parlours in which to dine and hang out. Open Wednesday and Thursday from 6:30 p.m., Friday - Saturday from noon til 2 p.m. and from 6:30 till 8:30 p.m.. Closed Monday and Tuesday.

Additional information


Im Übernachtungspreis*1sind alle Eigenleistungen (Bio-Frühstück, Genuss-Halbpension, Reinigung, Benutzung der Romantik-Sauna, WiFi, usw.) inkludiert. Die anfallende Ortstaxe von € 2 pro Person, ab dem 15. Lebensjahr, wird getrennt verrechnet.


  • Österreich, 9932 Innervillgraten, Gasse 93
  • E-Tankstelle im Zentrum von Innervillgraten, nur 300 Meter vom Gannerhof entfernt.
  • Mit den österreichischen Bundesbahnen können Sie bequem unseren Regionalbahnhof in Sillian (ca. 10 km) ansteuern. 



🜉 WiFi
🐈 car parking lot
🍺 family friendly
🌆 restaurant


Independent ratings from the other sources. TrustYou collects these ratings and calculates an average of the rating results.

Inquiry without obligation

First name*

Last name*


Phone (for further questions)


* required field
Gannerhof GmbH
Gasse 93
9932 Innervillgraten


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